
Elements is an animated film set in an extraordinary society called Element City, in which the four elements of nature – air, earth, fire and air – live in complete harmony. In the story, we are introduced to Sparkle (fire, voiced by Leah Lewis), a spirited woman in her early twenties with a great sense of humor and passionate about her family, but who has a bit of a hot temper; Gota (water, voiced by Mamoudou Athie) is an empathetic, observant, outgoing young man who isn’t afraid to show his emotions – in fact, it’s even a little difficult to control them; Turrão (earth, voiced by Mason Wertheimer) is a very intelligent boy from the land who lives in Vila do Fogo, and is always close to Faísca; and Mist (air, voiced by Wendi McLendon-Covey), who has a cute, pink personality, is always on the lookout for fashion trends, and is a fan of the Windbreakers, an Air Ball team.

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