Category Drama

Civil War

In a turbulent future America, where the nation is torn apart by civil war, an intrepid team of journalists embarks on a perilous journey to document the chaos enveloping the once-united states. Armed with cameras and courage, they weave through cities turned battlegrounds to capture the raw, unsettling reality of a country in upheaval. As they navigate through landscapes scarred by conflict and communities divided by ideology, their mission quickly shifts from reporting to survival. With danger lurking at every corner and allegiances constantly shifting, these storytellers must rely on their instincts and resilience as they become unwitting participants in the very conflict they set out to chronicle...

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Arthur the King

**A Trial of Courage** is an enthralling American drama and adventure film directed by the talented Simon Cellan Jones. It features a stellar cast led by Mark Wahlberg, alongside Nathalie Emmanuel and Simu Liu...

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The Iron Claw

“Iron Claw,” helmed by Sean Durkin, delves deep into the poignant saga of the Von Erich wrestling dynasty. Set against the electrifying backdrop of 1980s professional wrestling, this film brings to life the gripping tale of the inseparable Von Erich brothers, portrayed by Zac Efron, Jeremy Allen White, Harris Dickinson, and Stanley Simons. As they grapple with the weight of expectation and legacy in a fiercely competitive arena, their journey is marked by both dazzling victories and heart-wrenching losses. Under the ever-watchful eye of their controlling father and coach, played by Holt McCallany, the brothers strive for immortality even as tragedy looms large—with three brothers tragically succumbing to suicide during their careers...

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All Of Us Strangers

In “All of Us Strangers,” we dive into the life of Adam, a talented yet solitary screenwriter portrayed by Andrew Scott. Living in a nearly deserted London apartment complex, his routine existence takes an unexpected twist after an intriguing late-night encounter with his enigmatic neighbor Harry, played by Paul Mescal...

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No Way Up

In “Deep Despair,” a seemingly routine flight takes a harrowing turn, plunging its passengers into an unimaginable fight for survival. When their aircraft crashes unexpectedly in the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean, an unlikely band of strangers finds themselves clinging to life within a tiny air pocket amidst the wreckage...

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Poor Things

Set against the backdrop of the Victorian Era, “Poor Creatures” is a mesmerizing blend of science fiction and romance directed by the visionary Yorgos Lanthimos. This intriguing story, inspired by Alasdair Gray’s novel and echoing themes from the classic tale of Frankenstein, revolves around Bella Baxter, portrayed by Emma Stone in a captivating performance...

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White Bird: A Wonder Story

In “White Bird – An Extraordinary Story,” we revisit Julian Albans after his departure from Beecher Prep, where he once tormented Auggie. Without a new school in sight, Julian finds himself at a crossroads until his grandmother, Sara Albans (Helen Mirren), pays him a visit from Paris...

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May December

In the intriguing drama “May December,” we journey into the lives of Gracie, played by Julianne Moore, and her much younger husband, Joe, portrayed by Charles Melton. Their love story began in controversy; Joe was just 13 when their romance ignited a media frenzy two decades ago...

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The Holdovers

In “The Rejected,” Paul Hunham, played masterfully by Paul Giamatti, is a teacher at the prestigious Barton Academy. Known for his strict discipline and stern demeanor, he is not exactly the favorite among students or faculty. When the holiday season arrives, instead of celebrating with family like everyone else, Mr...

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Next Goal Wins

“Who Does It Wins” is a captivating American comedy-drama helmed by the visionary Taika Waititi, renowned for his innovative storytelling in films like “Thor: Love and Thunder.” This inspiring tale centers on the spirited comeback journey of the American Samoa football team, a squad that once faced an unforgettable and monumental defeat against Australia with a staggering 31-0 score during the 2002 World Cup qualifiers...

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