Category Thriller

Land of Bad

In Land of Bad, an Air Force drone pilot is the only hope for a task force trapped in an ambush. In the action thriller, a Delta Force special operations squad’s mission turns into a major disaster. Surrounded by the enemy in a remote territory in the Philippines, the only chance of rescue lies in the hands of Reaper (Russel Crowe), a drone pilot, and Kinney (Liam Hemsworth), a young air force officer...

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Night Swim

In Night Dive, former baseball player Ray Waller (Wyatt Russell) moves with his wife, Eve (Kerry Condon), and children Elliot (Gavin Warren) and Izzy (Amélie Hoeferle) to a new house. The residence has everything to be anyone’s dream home, including a huge pool where family and friends gather for a lovely day in the sun...

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The Beekeeper

Beekeeper is an action-thriller film directed by David Ayer (Suicide Squad, Marked for Death) and starring Jason Statham (Megajaw), Josh Hutcherson (The Hunger Games) and Jeremy Irons (Watchmen). The plot follows Adam Clay (Statham), a seemingly ordinary man who hides a big secret: he is a former agent of a powerful clandestine organization called Beekeepers. In a dangerous conspiracy, Clay’s past is exposed to the world and, among other side effects, he ends up losing a very dear person...

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The Forbidden Play

In the Japanese horror The Forbidden Play, Naoto Ihara (Daiki Shigeoka) lives happily with his wife Miyuki and son Haruto (Minato Shogaki). However, when Miyuki ends up dying in an accident, Naoto is inconsolable. Haruto, in denial, decides to bury a finger in the garden in the hope that, by praying every day, she will come back to life. One day, father and son are visited by Hiroko Kurasawa (Kanna Hashimoto), who used to work with Naoto...

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The Retirement Plan

Retirement Plan is an American action-comedy film directed by Tim Brown (The Dark Creature, Buckley’s Chance). The film follows the story of Ashley (Ashley Greene) and Sarah (Thalia Campbell), mother and daughter who accidentally become involved in a criminal scheme that ends up putting their lives at risk. Desperate and in serious danger, Ashley is forced to turn to the only person who can help them: her father Matt (Nicolas Cage), a retired man who lives in the Cayman Islands...

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Dear David

Dear David is an American supernatural horror film directed by John McPhail (Anna and the Apocalypse) and starring Augustus Prew, Justin Long, Cameron Nicoll, Andrea Bang, Rachel Wilson, David Tompa, Ethan Hwang and Rachel Risen...

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In Smile, everything in the life of Dr. Rose Cotter (Sosie Bacon) changes, after a patient dies brutally in front of her, and she witnesses the bizarre and traumatic incident in the office. From then on, she begins to experience frightening occurrences that she cannot explain, but which are somehow related to the death she witnessed. To understand the phenomenon that won’t leave her head, the Doctor will look for answers, even if evil is already chasing her, and all she wants most is to escape. Rose will go to extreme lengths, with the aim of unraveling and combating the unknown evil that has begun to affect her life and everyone around her...

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Killers of the Flower Moon

Killers of the Flower Moon, a film by director Martin Scorsese, is inspired by the best-selling book of the same name by writer David Grann and also based on a true story. The year is 1920, in the North American region of Oklahoma and mysterious murders take place in the Osage Indian tribe, a land rich in oil...

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Hypnotic is an action thriller film directed by Robert Rodriguez. In the film, detective Danny Rourke (Ben Affleck) becomes involved in the investigation of a complex case involving a series of large-scale robberies. In the course of the investigation, Rourke discovers that his own daughter – who is missing – may be connected to the case in some way. And in addition to the pressure to solve the crimes, the detective also has to deal with a mysterious government program that, like his daughter, may have something to do with the conspiracy...

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A Haunting in Venice

Halloween is a crime investigation film based on the book of the same name by Agatha Christie, known for titles such as Murder on the Orient Express and Death on the Nile. In the third film in the Hercule Poirot (Kenneth Branagh) saga, the detective is back to investigate yet another mystery in the most beautiful city in the world: Venice. The man is invited by his friend, Ariadne Olivier (Tina Fey) to participate in a séance at Rowena Drake’s (Kelly Reilly) mansion, which is reputed to be haunted by the ghosts of children. At first, Poirot denies the invitation, but becomes curious to discover that the session will be conducted by the mysterious medium Mrs. Reynolds (Michelle Yeoh), and is intended to make contact with Rowena’s daughter, Alicia (Rowan Robinson), who committed suicide. – but the mother is convinced that the girl was killed by the local ghosts...

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