All of Us Strangers follows screenwriter Adam (Andrew Scott) who, one night in his nearly empty London building, has a chance encounter with his mysterious neighbor Harry (Paul Mescal), which ends up shaking the rhythm of his everyday life...
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Based on the comedy by William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing, Everyone But You, is a feature film that follows Bea (Sydney Sweeney) and Ben (Glen Powell), two young people who arrange a date after bumping into each other in the hallways of the college where they study. In an almost perfect night, the young couple has everything to stay in touch: chemistry, good conversation and an incredible desire for each other. However, the first meeting is nothing more than that, and their relationship cools down until they stop talking to each other. Years after graduation, the two coincidentally end up being invited to the same wedding in Australia. Away from home and problems, the two end up making a deal, pretending to be a couple for everyone until the marriage ends...
Read more ...May December tells the story of Gracie (Julianne Moore) and her husband Joe (Charles Melton), who is 23 years younger than her. Their relationship began when Joe was still 13 years old, causing a scandal in the newspapers. Twenty years after their romance made headlines, the couple is preparing for their twins to start high school. However, their lives are turned upside down when actress Elizabeth Berry (Natalie Portman) comes to study Gracie for a film role...
Read more ...Lily believes she has found true love with Ryle. However, as the relationship becomes increasingly serious, so do memories of Atlas – his first love and a link to his past. Was he her soulmate? Things get complicated when a painful incident triggers a past trauma and Atlas suddenly reappears, threatening everything Lily has built with Ryle...
Read more ...Afire is a German romantic comedy-drama film directed by Christian Petzold. In the plot, in a small holiday home on the Baltic Sea, where the days are warm and it hasn’t rained for weeks, four young people meet again, old and new friends. The dry forests around them begin to catch fire badly, as do their emotions: happiness, lust and love, but also jealousy, resentment and tension – gradually, they too are surrounded by flames. Throughout this process, people also end up getting closer to each other at home...
Read more ...After – Forever was written and directed by Castille Landon, based on characters from the After series of novels by Anna Todd. It is a direct sequel to After – After the Promise (2022), and the fifth film in the After film series. After breaking up with Tessa (Josephine Langford), his true love, Hardin (Hero Fiennes Tiffin), a best-selling author, is suffering from writer’s block. Hardin then decides to travel to Portugal in an attempt to reevaluate his past toxic behavior. In this process, he revisits figures from his past, such as Natalie (Mimi Keene), with the aim of seeking forgiveness and repairing his mistakes. At the same time, Hardin is also heartbroken because he can’t forget Tessa, who wants to move on once and for all. This is the final chapter of “Hessa”...
Read more ...In this adaptation of Casey McQuiston’s novel, we follow Alex Claremont-Diaz, the first son of the US president. He’s the closest thing to a west-Atlantic prince. With her intrepid sister and Veep’s genius granddaughter, they form the White House Trio, a beautiful millennial marketing ploy for her mother, President Ellen Claremont. International socialite duties do have downsides – namely when photos of a confrontation with her old nemesis Prince Henry at a royal wedding leak to the tabloids and threaten American/British relations. The plan for damage control: stage a fake friendship between the First Son and the Prince...
Read more ...In Que Horas Eu Te Pego, Maddie (Jennifer Lawrence) is a woman who has the habit of always taking the wrong actions. When she realizes that she might lose her childhood home, where she grew up and lived for a long time, she decides to get a job. But it’s not just any job you find in the advertisements, but a desperate request from two parents with their nineteen-year-old son...
Read more ...In the fabulous live-action of the most famous doll in the world, we follow her daily life in Barbieland – the magical world of Barbies, where all versions of the doll live in complete harmony and her only concerns are finding the best clothes to go out with her friends and enjoy endless parties. However, one of the dolls (played by Margot Robbie) begins to realize that maybe her life is not so perfect, questioning herself about the meaning of her existence and alarming her companions. Soon, her life in the pink world begins to change, and eventually, she leaves Barbieland. Forced to live in the real world, Barbie must struggle with the difficulties of not being just a doll anymore – at least she is accompanied by her faithful and beloved Ken (Ryan Gosling), who seems increasingly fascinated by life in the new world...
Read more ...Love Sent Message tells the unlikely love story between Mira Ray (Priyanka Chopra Jonas) and Rob Burns (Sam Heughan). Mira, upon losing her fiance, develops a peculiar habit, trying to overcome the death of her great love. She sends a series of messages to the cell phone number that belonged to her former fiance, not knowing that the same old number has been transferred to Rob Burns, a journalist. He ends up being intrigued and captivated by the romantic messages...
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