In this sequel to the Ghostbusters franchise, the Spengler family returns to where it all began: the famous fire station in New York. They aim to team up with the original Ghostbusters who have developed a top-secret research laboratory to take ghost hunting to the next level, but when the discovery of an ancient artifact unleashes a great force of evil, the Ghostbusters of both generations must come together...
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In Godzilla and Kong: The New Empire, it is a new chapter in the so-called MonsterVerse, where after having met as enemies in Godzilla vs Kong, the mighty Kong and the fearsome Godzilla unite against a colossal deadly threat hidden in the world of humans, which in addition to threatening its own existence also threatens our species. Delving deep into the mysteries of Skull Island and the origins of Hollow Earth, the film will explore the ancient battle of Titans that helped forge these extraordinary beings and bound them to humanity forever...
Read more ...Argylle – The Superspy is a comedy and action film, directed by Matthew Vaughn (Kingsman). In the film, Elly (played by Bryce Dallas Howard) is a renowned author who became known for a series of spy novels that follow agent Argylle (Henry Cavill). However, unexpectedly, Elly’s plot stops being just fiction and ends up becoming reality, placing the writer at the center of a complex and dangerous web of deception and murder. With the help of Aiden (Sam Rockwell) and her cat Alfie—her faithful companion—Elly must deal with the consequences of the encounter between the real and fictional world...
Read more ...Deep Despair follows a group of strangers with different origins who end up stranded in the middle of the Pacific Ocean after the plane they were on crashes...
Read more ...In Land of Bad, an Air Force drone pilot is the only hope for a task force trapped in an ambush. In the action thriller, a Delta Force special operations squad’s mission turns into a major disaster. Surrounded by the enemy in a remote territory in the Philippines, the only chance of rescue lies in the hands of Reaper (Russel Crowe), a drone pilot, and Kinney (Liam Hemsworth), a young air force officer...
Read more ...Madame Web shows the origin story of the title character, played by Dakota Johnson. In the plot, Cassandra Webb leads an ordinary life working as a paramedic in Manhattan until, one day, she discovers that she has the ability to predict the future. One of her visions ends up leading Cassandra to young Julia Carpenter (Sydney Sweeney), Anya Corazon (Isabela Merced) and Mattie Franklin (Celeste O’Connor)...
Read more ...In Dune: Part 2, Paul Atreides (Timothée Chalamet) teams up with Chani (Zendaya) and the Fremen as he seeks revenge on the conspirators who destroyed his family. A spiritual, mystical and martial journey begins. To become Muad’Dib, while trying to prevent the horrible but inevitable future he witnessed, Paul Atreides sees a Holy War in his name, spreading across the known universe. Faced with a choice between the love of his life and the fate of the universe, Paul must avoid a terrible future that only he can predict...
Read more ...Lift is an American action and comedy crime film directed by F. Gary Gray (The Deal, The Deadly Deadline) for Netflix. The production follows a group of international criminals led by Cyrus (Kevin Hart) and hired by his ex-girlfriend, Abby (Gugu Mbatha-Raw), a federal agent, to carry out an ambitious mission: steal half a billion dollars in bars. gold being transported to a terrorist cell...
Read more ...Beekeeper is an action-thriller film directed by David Ayer (Suicide Squad, Marked for Death) and starring Jason Statham (Megajaw), Josh Hutcherson (The Hunger Games) and Jeremy Irons (Watchmen). The plot follows Adam Clay (Statham), a seemingly ordinary man who hides a big secret: he is a former agent of a powerful clandestine organization called Beekeepers. In a dangerous conspiracy, Clay’s past is exposed to the world and, among other side effects, he ends up losing a very dear person...
Read more ...Godzilla: Minus One is the new film from director and screenwriter Takashi Yamazaki. In the film, the well-known kaiju terrorizes the Japanese city that is devastated after the Second World War, in which the country lost and goes from zero to negative with the arrival of the giant. In the trailer, Kōichi Shikishima (Ryunosuke Kamiki) appears injured amidst the debris and the protagonist Noriko Ōishi (Minami Hamabe) comes across the feared titan that is slowly approaching the city...
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