Five Nights At Freddy’s – The Neverending Nightmare is the first film adaptation of the famous game franchise of the same name launched in 2014 and created by Scott Cawthon. Directed by Emma Tammi (Haunted Land, Fair Chase), the story takes place in a typical American family restaurant called Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, which is currently closed, and follows Mike Schmidt (Josh Hutcherson), a young man who is experiencing some financial problems . Fortunately, he sees the answer to his problems when he is hired to work as the pizzeria’s night watchman. Created by Henry Emily and William Afton, the place used to be very famous for its characteristic animated robots, which were the face of the place and entertained children during the day. However, when the sun sets and the darkness of night arrives, a dark and deadly secret is revealed: the animatronic dolls come to life, transforming into psychopathic killers and going on a violent killing spree.