Gran Turismo – From Player to Racer is an American action and drama film named after the game franchise of the same name that began in 1997. Directed by Neill Blomkamp, the film is based on a real-life story directly related to the games. In the production, we meet young Jann Mardenborough (Archie Madekwe), whose impressive Gran Turismo skills took him from gamer to professional racer. Since his adolescence, Jann was passionate about the game, used to playing it on the console, but his skills grew in such a way that they led him to live a true unlikely fantasy. He was invited by Nissan to participate in a series of competitions that sought to turn players into true professional racing drivers. Standing out more and more and never stopping chasing the fulfillment of his desires, the young man will challenge the impossible, finding the necessary motivation in a group that also believes in his potential.