Insidious: The Red Door, fifth film in the franchise, takes place 10 years after the events of Insidious: Chapter 2. The plot of Insidious: The Red Door returns to follow the Lambert family, formed by Renai (Rose Byrne), Josh (Patrick Wilson, Foster (Andrew Astor), Dalton (Ty Simpkins) and Kali (Juliana Davies). Josh heads east to drop off his son, Dalton, at college. Dalton has just started college, however, the young man’s dream soon becomes a nightmare, and he soon realizes that he is still a long way from being able to lead a normal life. When the repressed demons of his past suddenly return to haunt the two, he and his father are forced to return to the macabre dimension of the Red Door, facing a series of new and even more terrible threats and facing their deepest fears, just so they can banish their demons once and for all.