
Maestro is an American biopic film directed by Bradley Cooper (The Hangover!, A Star Is Born) for Netflix. The film tells the true story of the life and career of composer, musician and pianist Leonard Bernstein (played by Cooper), responsible for composing the soundtrack for acclaimed Broadway musicals, such as West Side Story, Peter Pan and Candice. Born in the city of Lawrence, Massachusetts, in the United States, Bernstein held the position of principal conductor of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra for 18 years, and established himself as one of the most important musicians in the United States. The production also shows his complex relationship with TV and theater actress Felicia Montealegre, which began when the two met at a party in 1946, going through the couple’s first engagement – which was broken up – until their wedding in, in total, twenty-five years long, which brought the couple three children.

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