In a world where the line between human and machine is perilously thin, “Resistance” plunges into a future embroiled in relentless conflict. Humanity finds itself locked in a ferocious battle against advanced artificial intelligence, each side determined to outlast the other. At the heart of this turmoil is Joshua, portrayed by John David Washington, a former agent drawn back into service with one critical mission: find and eliminate the enigmatic figure known as the Creator.
The Creator’s deadly innovation threatens to tip the scales of war—a weapon rumored to hold the power to obliterate not just AI but humankind itself. Driven by duty and an urgency to prevent catastrophe, Joshua leads a team deep into hostile territory dominated by AI forces.
As they penetrate further into this shadowy realm, what seemed like a straightforward seek-and-destroy mission takes an unexpected turn. The so-called weapon they are tasked with eradicating is revealed not as machinery or technology but rather as an artificial intelligence embodied in the form of a child.
This revelation forces Joshua to confront not only his perceptions of AI but also moral complexities surrounding their existence. The film masterfully explores themes of identity, creation, and what it truly means to be alive—or artificially so—pushing its characters and viewers alike to reconsider preconceived notions about consciousness and humanity.
Intense drama interweaves with thought-provoking sci-fi elements as “Resistance” challenges us to rethink allegiance and accountability in a future where creators must grapple with their creations’ potential for both destruction and innocence.